Action Math Baseball is a learning simulation engaging students in meaningful math activitie GRADES 5-8

Online Learning Simulation that helps students achieve in math!

2024 Finalist in the CODiE Awards      

Action Math Baseball is a Sports Simulation for Project Based Learning that enriches math instruction by engaging students in grades 5-8 in a real-world project. Each student in the class manages their own All-Star Baseball team with the goal of drafting the most powerful batters in the League. In accomplishing this goal, students are presented a rich collection of authentic math activities covering over thirty key standards taught in Grades 5-7.

Why adopt this Program? Learning Simulations are powerful learning tools under utilized in middle school classrooms. Having students apply what they have been taught is an important component of the learning process and is often not part of the core math program. In addition, many math skills are abstract and have little or no connection to a student’s day to day activities.

Action Math Baseball allows students to apply their skills to a real-life activity and find relevance in the math being taught as they manage their All-Star Baseball Team.

The web-based program was a 2024 CODiE Award finalist in the Best Gamification in Learning category. This software simulations provides students the opportunity to review, practice and apply key standards that they are expected to have mastered. In addition, Action Math Baseball replaces the traditional tests with software that tracks and scores student responses providing authentic assessment reports.

Action Math Baseball is a full-featured learning simulation module that leverages many sound learning methods providing a positive learning environment. This research based program is a paradigm shift in the learning approach providing students with meaningful learning activities that reinforces their problem solving, computational, fluency and appreciation of mathematics. Augmenting the core math program with Action Math Baseball allows advanced, on-grade level or below grade level students to find purpose in what they have learned as they participate in this real-life activity.

Easy and Intuitive

The software is easy to use for both teachers and students with unlimited access 24/7 via Amazon Web Services. There are several on-demand video tutorials that guide teachers and students through the interface as well as mini tutorials to help students with the math formulas.

From Day One, we're ready to work closely with you to help deliver the best possible learning experience. And Customer Support is available throughout your implementation at no additional charge.

The Digital Stadium manages the baseball rules using controls and animation to monitor games. The Scoreboard displays team rosters, batting lineup, hits, runs and outs throughout the virtual game.

Digital Stadium

Digital Stadium

Program Benefits

eLEARNster, an educational software company, recognized the value of Action Math Baseball (formerly Fantasy Baseball) and implemented an online version. Action Math Baseball extends the core math program by having students use the skills they have been taught to achieve the objectives of the simulation. The simulation demonstrates to the students the important role math plays in solving a real-world problem.

Using the power of the Internet, the Program leverages many sound learning methods that creates a positive learning environment promoting student growth and participation.

Program Description

Action Math Baseball is a Sports Simulation for Project Based Learning module that enriches math instruction by engaging students in grades 5-8 in a real-world project. Each student in the class manages their own All-Star Baseball team with the goal of making their team the most powerful batters in the League. In accomplishing this goal, students are presented a rich collection of authentic math activities covering over thirty key standards taught in Grades 5-7.

The simulation includes all thirty Major League Baseball teams, their players and batting statistics. Each year, the software is updated to include the starting lineup for each MLB team and their most recent batting stats. Students are challenged with the following activities:

For each new baseball player drafted, the student must:

  1. Analyze three years of their batting stats and select the player’s best batting year.
  2. Compute twelve baseball formulas used to evaluate a player’s batting statistics.
  3. Build probability wheel representing the likelihood of the batter achieving 8 batting outcomes. (Walks, Singles, Doubles, Triples, Homeruns, Flyouts, Ground Outs and Strikeouts).
  4. Set the players batting order following the AMB guidelines to achieve the optimal batting order.

The math activities in Action Math Baseball are computer-generated based on each baseball player's batting statistics and introduced gradually throughout the program. For each baseball player drafted into the All-Star team, the student must solve several math activities including:

  • Twenty interactive math templates focusing on a variety of math skills.
  • Twelve Baseball Formulas used to evaluate a player’s batting statistics. (For each formula, a short instructional video is available as well as an intelligent calculator that guides the student through the process.)
  • Analysis and ranking of a player's batting stats to determine their Best Batting Year.
  • Computation of percentages, ratios, decimals and degrees for each batting outcome.
  • Application of an online protractor to create a probability wheel for each batting outcome.
  • Ranking of the team's batting order to maximize the scoring opportunities.
This effective simulation captures the attention of your students

Program Offerings

Every January, AMB releases a new version of the software which includes the most recent batting rosters of the thirty MLB teams as well as each player's last three years of batting stats. Since it is recommended that students work on the simulation for about twenty class periods, the program can be implemented over a concentrated block of time (One class period daily for 20 days) or over the school semester (One class period weekly for twenty weeks).

Schools can purchase student licenses (tokens) at any time. When the licenses are assigned to students, they are active until the Program ends. If more licenses are purchased then assigned, the unused licenses can be used at a later time.

AMB is available during the standard school year or during the summer school program.

  • Standard School Year (August 15 through Jun 30)
  • Summer Program (May 15 through Aug 31)


Teachers and students have unlimited access 24/7 to Amazon Web Servers with customer service available throughout the implementation of the Program. All active student registrations expire at the end of the program period.

Single Student Edition:$9.90

Classroom Pricing:

Number of
Standard School Year
Aug 15 - Jun 30
Summer Program
May 15 - Aug 31
2 - 24$7.90$5.90
25 - 99$6.90$5.40
100 - 399$5.90$4.90
400 - 999$5.40$4.40
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Click here to visit our Training Center to review our collection of videos to train Teachers and Students on how to use Action Math Baseball. Webinar software training is optional since teachers and students can learn the software through the videos provided.

Program Linked to Math Standards

The activities in Action Math Baseball are linked to key math standards. Click here to view the alignment of Key Math Standards.

As students interact with the simulation, the software automatically tracks and measures their performance. Depending on the difficulty level selected, the program covers math standards taught in Grades 5 through 7. Scroll and click the curriculum topics below to view the variety of learning activities presented.

The Number System

Ratios and Proportions

Measurement & Data


Statistics and Probability


Estimation Problem

Each activity is immediately scored with instructional feedback that guides the student to the correct answer. The program uses videos, gadgets, visual graphics and hints to help the student proceed through the program independently. Achievement badges are earned based on cumulative points earned with partial credit available for problems that require assistance.

Bronze Award



Silver Award



Gold Award



Platinum Award



Diamond Award



Recognition of the Negro Leagues

The Negro Leagues began in 1920 and became a catalyst for economic growth across the country helping to spark social change. In recognition of the Negro League players being elevated to MLB status, nine players featured in the Negro League Baseball Museum's Field of Legends are included in the simulation.

Student Assessment

The simulation tracks student interaction over time and automatically scores student progress on key math standards. The assessment is authentic and applies a variety of interactive item types commonly used in assessment systems.

The activities in Action Math Baseball are linked to over 30 key math standards taught in grades 5 - 7. Students are presented interactive math problems with corrective feedback that guides them to the right answer. The program includes:

  • Twenty interactive math templates introduced gradually throughout the program
  • Twelve Baseball Formulas applied to each player’s batting statistics

Sample student report

Math exercises that are computer-generated based on each player's batting statistics with unique math problems and solutions each year since new players are added to the roster and batting statistics are updated annually.

The assessment system is designed to motivate all students. As students progress through the simulation, they receive either full or partial credit depending on their reliance on corrective feedback. As credits accumulate, students progress from Novice to Junior, Intermediate, Advanced and finally Expert. Students receive an “Achievement Badge” that corresponds to the level that they have earned.

Students can keep track of their own progress while teachers can access on-demand reports for individual and classroom performance on key math strands and standards. The reporting system replaces “tests” with transparent tracking of keystroke and mouse clicks that seamlessly score each student’s performance on the math standards.

Three standard-based reports are available to teachers to track student and classroom progress.

  • Class Strand Report
  • Student Strand Report
  • Student Standards Report

Program Demonstrates Growth

A research study in 2018 supported that the Program significantly improved student performance as well as motivated students to be active participants.

Students respond well to:

  • Student-centered learning since they are active in the learning process.
  • Self-paced activities with corrective feedback helping them succeed.
  • Drafting better players and improving their team's batting power.
  • Improving their achievement level and receiving an “Achievement Badge” that corresponds to their level.
  • The Digital Stadium that manages the baseball rules using controls and animation to monitor games. The Scoreboard displays team rosters, batting lineup, hits, runs and outs throughout the virtual game.
  • Videos, gadgets, visual graphics and hints to help them proceed through the program.

A second research study was conducted by Furman Educational Resources to evaluate the impact of Action Math Baseball on students in Grades 5-8. The chart summarizes the data and demonstrated a consistent increase in math achievement across all strand areas.

Bar chart showing an increase in math achievement across all strand areas
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